Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Language Of The Landscape 2 (Edited for Final Draft)

Dance4Fun are wonderful classes running on a termly basis which offers its participants the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills through the form of dance and exercise. With the use of up to date music and cleverly constructed routines for each individual age group, it allows both parents and children to socialise and benefit from the dance fitness approach every session entails. The weekly classes include games, technical dance movements as well as enabling a group bonding process to occur in a safe and disciplined format. The staff all come from fitness or dance backgrounds enabling demonstration of movement and classes to have a energetic approach, making all class members gain as much as possible while being entertained and encouraged to exercise. The class also allows for individuals to gain confidence, co-ordination and creativity skills through the use of tasks with equipment and picture cards. The outcome of the class enables both parent and child to leave feeling refreshed, revitalised and full of excitement to go home and work together with their Dance4Fun CD and Booklet. This includes a Dance4Fun goal chart so fun goals can be managed and be rewarded as each term goes by. All of the exercises are safe to practise with family and friends promoting a healthy lifestyle for all involved making everyone benefit from this simple yet effective learning process.

The classes always begin with a mandatory warm up – used to encourage discipline as well preparing the body for the motor and sensory experience which is about to take place.
This is then followed by a range of activities including preparation for specific themed events e.g The Jungle Run - Incorporating rhythmical moves with the children mimicking wild animals which the parents generate. Jumping Jacks – this uses soft play equipment to enable the children to express themselves whilst using elevation and co-ordination to develop special awareness, judgement of distance and team building exercises. Parachute Party - This includes a gigantic rainbow-coloured parachute which envelops the whole group yet allows each individual child and parent to explore colour, touch, sight, and sounds in an unusual environment. The classes also include musical development enabling children to feel the beat and identify rhythm patterns using both well known nursery rhyme classics but also introducing alternative current pop trends. This is also used to encourage musical recognition when children hear the same music through different media sources in their normal daily lives. We hope that this ability triggers a practice of recall which then stimulates further practice outside the learning environment for both parent and child.

Each term has a specific theme and different goals are set within it. The final target for each term is a performance session where each child is given the opportunity to prepare and then demonstrate a short combination of their favourite moves using their own choice of music. The classes will also have been devised throughout the term to engage the children in a group activity which again leads to the opportunity of performance, this time with their peers.

The emphasis of all sessions is to promote and praise healthy living and positive relationships between both parent and child and their peer groups respectively.

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