Monday, October 26, 2009

Links of Interest

Links of Interest

I have always been very lucky in life that I have always been given as many opportunities as possible to try lots of different hobbies and interests. As an individual I am bubbly and always full of energy and upon reflection most of my interests definitely highlight this side of me.

The Adrenaline Junkie KT

Anything high, fast and challenging and quirky really interests me. I love pushing myself mentally and physically and pushing my boundaries. The human body on a whole fascinates me in how it can learn and cope with almost anything thrown at it.

Scuba Diving, Bungee Jumping, Ice Skating and Skiing to name a few, enable me not only to learn new things but to gain new experiences underwater, on land and in the sky. All are very different visually and each skill enables me to experience a range of cultures and life skills. They all have an emotional learning side as some test nerves and feelings which I feel allows me to develop further as an individual, which in time helps me deal with the challenges that adult life throws at you in the modern world we live in. Although I can motivate myself to a certain level I sometimes like others to give me that extra push. I find sports and dance enable me to do this which then benefits me keeping fit and in shape for the professional world of performing arts.

The Creative and Expressive KT

On another level I realise although I’m full of energy and life sometimes calming and stress relief interests help develop you and educate you further as well. My relaxation interests although still require a certain amount of dedication I have found them to be very therapeutic to take part in. These interests include costume design, cake baking and interior design. These three interests require different sets of skills, all of which I find relaxing yet challenging in a different way. As an individual I take pride in my high standards which I set for myself and I am not ashamed to admit I am a perfectionist. Maybe this is why I have these types of interests as there is a still a certain element of control to them. Drawing, painting and designing and then seeing the final product seeing whether it be a costume, cake or room being completed gives a great sense of achievement and satisfaction. I was always told art wasn’t my thing at school yet now it is something that comes naturally as with practice and a natural creative eye it has become a part of who I am.

Here are a few recent completed projects that my interests have been a part of which I am particularly proud of.


For my mother’s 35th Anniversary Show in the summer I decided to choreograph and produce “Cats” as a show number. It lasted 7 minutes in total and all the costumes and props in this picture were designed and made by myself. It took a total of four whole days to complete but I am sure you agree it was really worth the effort as they all look amazing.

My Parents Bedroom

                      Before                                                                            After

After having the same room style for 25 years my father asked me to surprise them by decorating their room for them whilst they were away on holiday. It took two whole weeks which was almost day and night as I did everything apart from skimming the walls! (Something I haven’t mastered yet). My choice was a floral design with a modern twist so it was up to date yet I knew my mother would hopefully like the choices.

On return they absolutely loved the room and this for me was a great achievement as this was my first huge design project from beginning to end. I’ve certainly learnt from this experience and it has left me thirsty for more!


I designed a surprise cake for my friends 21st birthday a few years ago and since then my cakes have become a hit. I now in my spare time make them for relatives, friends and customers who wish for something special. Depending on the type of cake depends on length in making it. Normally 3 hours is average.

The pictures show some of my past creations.

All of my interests whether they give me an adrenaline fix or a warm glow inside I feel all relate to the performing arts in some way. I can hear you thinking how does bungee jumping and making cakes come into that. Well I believe all of those skills reflect who I am as a performer and not only that enable me to be a better performer because of them. Testing my nerves, showing my high standards and producing something of a great quality all links in with how you market yourself and perform at auditions or on stage.


  1. This is amazing, i love that room, and I am very impressed with the cakes, that is something I wish I could learn to do, they are really good and professional looking!

  2. You've been busy hey? really enjoy reading your blog hun, inspires me, i'm finding my time limited to spend on my blog... little worried especially when i see yours! Just supports the idea that you are a very motivated individual which I knew any way. Hope you are well and hopefully catch up soon.
